Verisk Community Hazard Mitigation Services

ISO Is Rebranding

Verisk, ISO’s parent company, is unifying all its insurance businesses—including our Community Hazard Mitigation services—under the Verisk brand. Our Community Hazard Mitigation services will also be part of this new Verisk branding.

What This Means for You

While we will be operating under the name Verisk when referring to our Community Hazard Mitigation Services moving forward, the names of our solutions – and the methodology we use to develop them – will remain unchanged. This includes:  

  • ISO Fire Protection Ratings (PPC)
  • Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS)
  • Flood Management: Community Rating System (CRS)

Since the names of these solutions will not change, there will be no need to change any of your promotional materials.

This brand change is an important and natural evolution for the Verisk enterprise, and we remain fully committed to providing you with the same level of service, solutions, and expertise you have come to rely on for decades.